Yes, you can install the new TVAddons Fusion Repository by clicking here. Note that the address has changed to and the old .ag repository will no longer work. The new TVAddons Kodi repository only contains 100% legal Kodi addons, but there is still some good value in these addons and we have featured a few of these addons including:

أعلنا في خبر سابق عن توقف المكتبة الرائدة لإضافات كودي غير رسمية ، قد اختفت تماما وبشكل غامض. حيث توقف نطاق الموقع وجميع النطاقات المرتبطة به ومن بينها طبعا سورس فيوجن . 03/07/2017 The Wrap Up Tv Add-ons Xbmc Repository Mbc1. TVAddon has once again taken a center stage as a hub for installing all the third-party Kodi add-ons. Fusion Kodi repository has to offer many … Step 18: Select the fusion source from the listing. Now that the Fusion Installer source for Kodi is configured, you’re free to do whatever you wish to next. At this point you’ll be able to choose from our automated Kodi configuration or manual Kodi addon configuration options. Il existe des centaines d’extensions Kodi. Les découvrir et les installer peut parfois être un peu compliqué. Pas si vous avez l’extension Indigo de TVAddons. Ce programme Kodi vous connecte directement au super référentiel TVAddons, en prenant beaucoup de mesures sur le processus d’installation d’extension. Voici comment installer down: These are the best Fusion and Indigo add-on alternatives. Ian Garland Streaming, Kodi and VPN Expert @IanGarland_ June 19, 2017. Although TVAddons is now back up with a new website, its add-on services are still a bit shaky. This has left many add-on users reeling and in search of a workable replacement. There are several other repositories that exist that equally house many

Strona TVAddons dostawca największej biblioteki nieoficjalnych dodatków do Kodi zniknęła w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach. Oprócz strony nie działa także forum, ich profil na facebooku oraz serwer fusion z repozytoriami i wtyczkami. W związku z zamieszaniem w społeczności Kodi, kilka dni wcześniej z serwera tvaddons zniknęły niektóre popularne wtyczki. Si vous avez l'habitude de regarder des films en streaming, vous devez certainement connaitre la célèbre extension Genesis de Kodi. Cette dernière a été abandonné mais son créateur a décidé de remettre le couvert avec une toute nouvelle extension: Exodus. Fusion serves as a repository for the Kodi Media center since it allows TVAddons Fusion Kodi Repository to be installed easily. Since the disappearance of Fusion Kodi Repository, the world of Kodi has never been the same. But the good news is that one of the major third-party add-on TVAddons is back! Which means so is Fusion. The team behind is now live under Fusion

Fusion TV add-ons repository changed all this by being the home to many add-ons. Last year was taken down for a couple of months but now the greatest has returned under Now users can go back to installing add-ons without any hassle. It should be highlighted, as many add-ons are third party and unsupported.

Fusion serves as a repository for the Kodi Media center since it allows TVAddons Fusion Kodi Repository to be installed easily. Since the disappearance of Fusion Kodi Repository, the world of Kodi has never been the same. But the good news is that one of the major third-party add-on TVAddons is back! Which means so is Fusion. The team behind is now live under Fusion Marque: fonctionne pas. Kodi Hors ligne Addons: Repo-Online / Offline-Status. juillet 16, 2020 KodiHelfer AddOns, Conseils (Mettre à jour: juin 22 2017) Consultez ci-dessous pour l'état actuel de Kodi addons mis hors ligne, nouveau dépôt-homes, et[…] Lire la suite. Messages récents . Comment puis-je installer Cosmic Saints 4K construire Kodi 17.3 Krypton; 13/06/2016 After my last guide on how you can use Kodi 18.6 + IAGL to stream games, so many of you were asking for an updated version which uses RetroArch. As you know, with Retroarch, you have access to so many more cores than the Kodi Retroplayer. You can follow this guide to …